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September 24-27, 2024

Kalahari Resorts, Pocono Manor,



The TechBash 2024 schedule is now available!


Register now to level up your developer skills. Save 10% with EventBrite code DOTNET10 or contact us about group discounts!


TechBash 2024 Developer Conference

Where: Kalahari Resort & Convention Center, Pocono Manor, PA

When: September 24-27 (workshops on Tuesday, sessions Wed/Thu/Fri)

How much: Standard registration before discounts - 3-day ($799); 4-day ($999)

Hotel rate: $184/night Monday thru Friday night (rates available until Aug 24th)

Schedule Highlights

Tuesday Workshops

Every 4-day ticket holder will join the workshop of their choice on Tuesday, September 24th. This year, we have in-depth sessions on Blazor, accessibility testing, public speaking, parallel programming in C#, Astro, and Kubernetes. Join us and learn the real-world skills you need for today's hottest developer technologies.


TechBash Wednesday highlights include AWS Dev Advocate Brandon Minnick's opening keynote, a full day of sessions, the opening of our sponsor exhibits, great meals, and our popular evening Welcome Reception in the River Rooms.


We kick off Thursday with a .NET-focused keynote from Maddy Montaquila, continue with another full day of world-class sessions, and amazing breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack. We'll reconvene Thursday evening for Game Night!


Friday is Family Day! Bring the kids for our Family Day sessions. The family sessions are still being finalized. Check out the schedule so far! We'll also have a full day of developer-focused sessions, plus delicious coffee, meals, and snacks.

Sponsor TechBash 2024

Join our TechBash 2024 sponsor lineup!

We still have some great opportunities to sponsor TechBash 2024. Join us at the Kalahari Resort in September and meet our attendees. We always have a great mix of talented developers join us at TechBash, and they love to learn how our sponsors can help them solve problems and build great solutions.

Can't make it to TechBash? You can become a Silver Sponsor and we'll provide your materials to our attendees or keep an unstaffed table refreshed with your materials. Contact us to learn how we can partner with you!


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