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November 7-10, 2023

Kalahari Resorts, Pocono Manor,



Workshop Duo Spotlight:

Securely Developing IaC &

CI/CD with GitHub Actions

TechBash 2023


Register now to level up your developer skills


About the event: 


TechBash 2023 Developer Conference

Our standard registration is open now through October 7th. After 10/7, our late-bird pricing will be in effect. Visit our website for more information about TechBash 2023.

TechBash 4-day attendees can select a workshop track of their choice for Tuesday, November 7th. Today, we're highlighting our Terraform / GitHub Actions workshop duo led by Microsoft's Chris Ayers.


Securely Developing Infrastructure as Code

 -Workshop details

We routinely scan our code for vulnerabilities, but what about our infrastructure? Our infrastructure as code can have as many secrets as our codebase. Many organizations are using Terraform with automated pipelines like GitHub Actions. How do we automatically scan our Terraform modules for misconfiguration or secrets? How can we configure Terraform to store state securely in the cloud for each environment?

During this session we will examine how to leverage open-source tools to:
  • Scan for security and configuration issues using tools like tfsec, terrascan, and checkov
  • Securely configure Terraform backends like AzureRM
  • Securely pass variables and input into Terraform
  • Securely deploy Terraform to clouds like Azure
After this session you will have the tools and examples to securely develop terraform for the cloud.

CI/CD with GitHub Actions

 -Workshop details

Learn about building and deploying applications using Github Actions. We will learn diverse ways to trigger our builds and build several types of applications.

We will work up from basics and fully understand how workflows run, how to select and call different actions, and how to handle configuration and secrets.

After this session you'll be able to build and deploy your software from GitHub. You will understand:
  • GitHub Actions Runners
  • YAML workflow syntax
  • Workflow Triggers Variables
  • Job Dependencies
  • Conditionals
  • Matrix Builds
  • Outputs
  • Environments
  • Secrets
  • Deployments to Container Registries and Azure


-Speaker info

Chris Ayers:

Chris is a Senior Customer Engineer on the Fast Track for Azure team at Microsoft. He has a focus in modern applications built with DevOps, microservices, containers, Single Page Apps, RESTful APIs, and cloud technologies following agile practices. In his free time, Chris is a speaker at numerous meetups, an avid reader, and a gamer.

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